Our first vacation!

2003 June 10

Created by James 16 years ago
For mine and Debbie's first vacation, I took her to Wilmington, NC. I had lived there several years before I had met her, and somehow I just knew it would be a place she would like. Boy, was I wrong. She fell in LOVE with the place! We drove the truck and took our motorcycle along so we could do a little "exploring" while we were there. It was so funny. We spent most of the time riding around going, "Oooh! Let's plan to go there!" So even though we had a wonderful time, we really didn't go very many places or do many things because I was showing her too many things to pick from. But we sure made up for it the next year! We did go to the Arboretum for the first time, and it was almost magical for Debbie. They had a Zen Garden. They had a Tea House. They had a Children's Garden complete with a playhouse! I do not remember another time in my life that I have ever seen such wonder in someone's eyes. Debbie was completely at home there. We lost track of time and wound up spending most of the day wandering from garden to garden, talking, holding hands, just being together. If we could have possibly lived in the playhouse of that Children's Garden, I know without a doubt that Debbie would have moved right in that very day and we would still be living there today. I can honestly say that it was the one place on earth that she and I were kids again. We would walk into that place, and we were six years old. Time didn't exist. Nothing outside of the gardens even existed. All the world held was Debbie and I, and we were one.
